Better tO be a bOy or a girl??

Posted by are_you(",) | 3:37 AM | 0 comments »

it is better to be a boy than a girl?in my opinion, both have their advantages and disadvantages.

a boy enjoy more freedom than a girl.that is the first advantage of being a boy. a boy can do a lot of things and go ti many places without being asked all sorts of questions. on the other hand, a girl is usually interrogated for every action of hers. the reason is a girl is very weak and easy to hurt physically or emotionally while a boy is not. however, being a boy has its disadvantages too. the first is being the so-called stronger sex, taking care of the family will fall squarely on his shoulder when he grows up. so, although it is perfectly all right for a girl to stay at home and not work, a boy is expected to work and support the family.if he does no fulfil thid duty, he will earn the contempt of the community.

being a girl has its advantages too. since a girl is considered the weaker sex, she is exempted from doing many things. she does not not have to go out to work to support the family.a girl is also treated with gentleness.the disadvantages of being a girl is not given much prestige.she does not have much say in the decision-making process of the family.normally she has to accept what the male members decide for her.another disadvantages of being a girl is that she has to bear children while a boy does not. carrying a child to full term is very troublesome and giving birth can be very painful.

after considering the pros and cons of both being a boy and being a girl, i can conclude that both have their own advantage ang disadvantages..